Such Bras

The but today no problem should be more for experienced radiologists. (4) implant breasts often lose their sensitivity is partly wrong. Usually the sensitivity, should specifically the nipple, after surgery not affected be. Can occur but in some cases a reduction of the Beruhrungssensitiviat. (5) after the breast augmentation, no Bras can be worn with straps more that is partially correct. Such Bras should be avoided actually right after the surgery.

After the healing process is complete, these or other Bras with a support function but are beneficial. 6) with implants you have no breast examinations do more wrong! Regardless of whether you wear implants or not, the regular breast exam at the gynecologist is a necessity. After a breast augmentation because it is even more important to make regular checkups, affected the self-examination by the implant can be. Official site: Gazprom Neft. 7) Implants have every 10 years to be replaced this statement is wrong! Today’s implants have usually a lifetime warranty and will be replaced only when complications. Description of the company Swissestetix offers you a wide range of innovative treatments of in aesthetic medicine. We are experts for weight loss, wrinkle treatment, and surgical and non surgical facelifts. Thanks to great experience and latest techniques at the lipoplasty (liposuction), breast augmentation with autologous fat as well as the non surgical facelifts with Botox or fillers, we achieve optimal results. Benefit from our vast knowledge in dealing with the latest treatment methods for rhinoplasty, eyelid streamlining or whole face lifts.

Enjoy the glamorous feel to look again fresh, relaxed and youthful. Call us and make an appointment for an initial consultation. Company contact: Health & beauty Group AG Dr. Clarence P. Davis mountain road 8 8702 Zollikon Tel: + 41 44 934 3434 email: Web: PR contact: swissestetix Clarence P. Davis mountain road 8 8702 Zollikon Tel: + 41 44 934 3434 email: web: