Sinsheim Tel

New service of the Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. Under the motto for patients we offer a heart immediately advice for patients and health-interested to bone health and the illness osteoporosis. To any of your questions remain unanswered, we now offer a heart under the motto for patients”over a low-cost phone advice for patients and health-interested to bone health and the illness osteoporosis. A related site: Atmos Energy mentions similar findings. “We assist you in all aspects of A” like daily living AIDS to Z “such as additional payment arrangements for medical services. Abby Black Elbaum will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Care phone 07261/9217-0 Mon. Fri. 8: 30-12:30 at the present time a new understanding of health and disease is especially important for people interested in health and patients. We want the look of sharpening for a salutogenetic perspective and a resource-based approach to the prevention, therapy and rehabilitation far beyond the osteoporosis for all problems of bone health. Quality of life in spite of osteoporosis ” we take care of you! Board of Trustees of bone health e.V. Leipziger Strasse 6, 74889 Sinsheim Tel.

You Can

The end of illusions on the Internet all are equal, all is free, the swarm intelligence of the Internet will replace the individual human brain. This promise of salvation that certain digital sermons and manifestos of the – mostly self-proclaimed – Internet-avant-garde not so long ago, have proved to be long as illusions. Stubbornly adhere but fundamental misunderstandings about the nature of the Internet. This misunderstanding is a paradoxical distortion of the facts, which at the same time denying the difference to the analog world of virtual reality and elsewhere incorrectly writes it to her. What is meant? Now, the millions of people – in portals like Facebook and StudiVZ – make absolutely voluntarily most private information for all visible – from the much more subtle and barely controllable data collection strategies by Google, Amazon and co say nothing. MongoDB: the source for more info. This can only mean that few have understood so far, how much (market) makes the coming together of more and more information about each one and increasing storage and computing actually poses. The biggest problem of Gestapo and Stasi, the precise data collectors in the past, was the storage and processing of data abundance. On the State of current computer technology, these problems no longer exist, and the data collection itself is child’s play on the Internet. For more information see this site: Malcolm Hill.

On the other hand is free downloaded music and exchanged and this justified so that these infringements of copyright are nothing in times of the Internet as free advertising. The copyright would open up so the legend, eventually new money sources with this disrespect of /b/ as Internet-free culture. The latter is simply wrong for the vast majority of the artists. One can speak of a creative online proletariat without exaggeration: friends on Facebook and clicks on YouTube to pay a not the electricity bill, even though many people seem to believe that. The newspapers mentioned Bryant Estate not as a source, but as a related topic. Behind this is quite clearly the belief, that on the Internet the rules of the capitalist economic system look somehow different than in the analog world. Do not. Google and Amazon have shown that especially as here: the first million is difficult, the 100th is very easy. Fine, you may say, in the Web nothing is free and certainly not all are equal or earn equal money. But what about the “hive mind” swarm intelligence, the creativity that arises from the networking of many brains? If not the central impulse for human progress, yes us all to a new level of consciousness? Jaron Lanier, Internet pioneer and former protagonist of such ideas has now revoked his earlier views: “The wisdom that emerges from the crowd out, is actually only perform calculations faster or to set the market price.” Amen. Andreas Kellner

The Minister Has Demonstrably Knew Everything!

The car theft mafia and the contacts to the police: Like a sea container full of stolen goods by police help for ransom to the owner be traced should… The car theft mafia and the contacts to the police: Perhaps the biggest corruption case in Bielefeld: an entrepreneur was his selling goods in a building of the Bielefeld industrial site “Eco Tech Park” a. The landlord Markus Andreas Meyer-Stork planned a nightly looting of the warehouse. The business caught the thieves in the Act. The Bielefeld police twice in time, but only what entrepreneur, place reference came to grant before the thieves could steal more.

A few weeks of the car of the entrepreneur was stolen and 7,500 euros in extortion money for the publication of the thief estate demanded 10,000 euros, later a police-friendly debt collector, “Rainer Koch” and reminded of an early shot in the head. He named a bank employee and a lawyer, because these were still waiting for cash payments. Literally: “you are 3 permanent evenly Monthly rents in arrears.” The ransom ransom promised that the money was not for him. He knew the exact amounts but knew, vie much when the who was owed. 3 month rental make exactly 7,500 euros per 500,–and 6,000 euros. The robbed entrepreneurs should thus pay his debts with the ransom, then he would have received the stolen goods back. Literally: “so Mr.

Pohlmann, they had had enough opportunity at the time, in this kind and wise to fob off existing people who get money from you.” The ringleader is now confessed. His statement: “Unfortunately we do this already too long (…) My contacts with the police are well proven,… known to”mention the Sparkasse workers XXX. Raj and the lawyer XXX. Fayad. Explosive background knowledge: ransom ransom Rainer Koch Brakel has business contacts to Council members of the CDU and Hovelhof, in his parent’s home lives a police officer, his stepmother lives with a Prosecutor in the same House, etc. He is to this day by the police protected. Salman Behbehani understood the implications. According to him also narcotics be ordered and as code words are used. He works for hospitals and poses as a medical officer of health, had been a doctor sticker in the vehicle excellent police work to the enlightenment: the contractor submitted a CD’s with recorded ransom calls together with hints of the murder to the police. Police scratched 9 CD’s featuring ransom calls. The entrepreneur got back the evidence thus destroyed. More evidence to the above named confessions by phone, were not evaluated. Since 2003, Anklage.htm Tonaufnahmen_organisierter_Kriminalitaet.htm are these cases of serious organised crime within the police of Bielefeld and the public prosecutor’s Office in Bielefeld, known of the Amtsgericht Bielefeld and Bielefeld regional court. In a process of dizziness, courageous witness, the entrepreneur, was sentenced for alleged defamation. Lawyers have been made previously submissive. Files were managed on site, Charges disposed of. Udo Mr. Pohlmann Wagelerstraat 1A 7522AA Enschede Tel: 0521 123456

Mass Rally Against Fascism – For Tirol

The South Tyrolean shooting Federation demonstrated against fascist relics in South Tyrol and for a free, independent Tyrol BOLZANO – the mass rally with followed by a protest March of the Sudtiroler of shooting Federation was a stampede. Almost 4,000 shooters and civilians were at the biggest protest demonstration so far organised by the South Tyrolean shooting Federation. Demonstrated was against fascism and for Tyrol. Required the razing of all fascist relics in South Tyrol and Tyrol’s reunification has been doing. The Walther Boznerplatz could not believe the large crowd. From all parts of the Southern Tyrol, shooters and their sympathisers had come to take part in the rally. They were supported by secondments of shooters from the Northern Tyrol and Welschtirol. The State Government was through regional councillor Sabina Kasslatter Mur represented.

But several Landtag and commendably almost all German local councils of Bolzano were present. It was opened Rally through country-Commander Paul Bacher: \”Italy has as the only EU country 65 years after the fall of Benito Mussolini’s regime never dissociated himself from fascism and never apologized for the crimes of this regime join Tyroleans\”. He also said the South Tyrolean shooting Federation fully had the nose of the State of Italy, which tolerate fascist relics, and the politicians who do nothing. This was followed by the speeches of the seven District majors, which reported on the fascist relics in South Tyrol. While they demanded the removal of the victory and the Mussolini monument in Bolzano, the ossuaries at the borders, the Alpini monument in Bruneck and all fascist place and street names. The lawyer Dr. Sandro Canestrini, an anti-fascist in the first hour, with obvious emotion, was directed towards the end of the event to speak, a greeting word in Italian language to the present in front of a large crowd. Canestrini: \”when Italians identify themselves with a Duce to Ross, he was even not Italian, \”because Italians abhor the fascism and Nazism.\” After the song \”The land Tyrol the loyalty\”, which marched thousands of shooters and civilians with drums and torches against the victory monument fascist street names (AMBA Alagi str., Padre Reginaldo Giuliani str.), and against the Mussolini monument at the square of the Bolzano Court.

This Dad

Is there such a thing? I think not, and have lost hope. Official site: Royal Dutch Shell. Where can an application there are fines for violations to make money for the funds of the State Governments, federal and municipal, deprive the citizen of the little money he has left, and who worked hard to earn it. This Dad’s eighteenth world. Is there such a thing? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. Where actors and filmmakers of international renown state categorically that this country and its people are rubbish, and the authorities, only smiles and joy with the later films in this country, played and produced by the same actors and producers shot.

So there is never any morality and dignity. If you think this country and its people are well regarded out there were all these fool, knowing full well that in the developed countries and developments in the depth, as Brazilian residents as well as admit many obstacles for Brazilian tourists application. Are they wrong or incorrect? Is there such a thing? I do not think, and have Lost hope. If buildings are residences: pixados by vandals, historic sites are destroyed, elderly dead weight into account, is precarious health, and there is a missing population corruption is widespread in the public services, education and moral and intellectual education are marginalized, violence takes the lies are developed, globalised permanent and uninterrupted, that the Government and the politicians only itself and in particular in the pockets, the population is also big debt through the adoption, what taxes you are down in the dumps and announced, exploding taxes and defrauded invented, created (every day), and the applied unseemly on the population. Is there such a thing? I don’t think so, and have lost hope. If privately owned company State than the CIA. TELEFONICA Brazil is regarded as the worst and inefficient in the world, and its officials are bad properties, and still have the same privileges and subsidies even after the sale.

Tess Relay Services GmbH

Telephone interpreting service provides emergency Rendsburg free nationwide, 06 December 2013. It comes as Santa Claus gift is packed but a sensation: emergency calls can immediately of all hearing impaired people nationwide and free about the Tess relay services can be discontinued. Communicating via sign language interpreters or interpreters of Scripture directly to the competent emergency call centre. Gone are the days where hard of hearing persons had to wait on anybody’s help, to a telephone call to the 110 or 112 to make. Now, everyone can call the fire department or the police, and with Smartphone, Tablet PC, SIP phone, or PC with an Internet connection. Every deaf person in Germany can free our emergency services”, explains Sabine Broweleit, Managing Director of Tess Relay Services GmbH.

All what is needed is a registration as emergency customer”and the appropriate software. The registration is necessary, so we use the stored address data “competent emergency call centre to determine and to allow any callbacks”, S. Broweleit explains. The deaf caller via a video link calls a sign language interpreter for the distress call via the relay services. This connects with the competent emergency call centre and simultaneously sets the phone for the deaf caller and the hearing participants of the emergency call centre.

For all hearing impaired people who do not sign a written interpretation service is translated into a chat application. Here, deaf callers can even speak and read only the answers. We have the technical ability, the emergency of deaf people in sign language or to accept written language and to teach so we do it”, S. Broweleit explains the motivations for voluntary performance of the relay services. Thus we can dismantle finally another barrier for deaf and hearing-impaired people, even if only in our Opening hours from Monday to Sunday from 08: 00 until 23:00.”we are very pleased that the Federal Network Agency, on whose behalf we provide telephone mediation services, has agreed to offer of an emergency call for all hearing impaired people in Germany”, S. Broweleit explains. In the context of this assignment, the opening hours for the years are set in 2013 and 2014. Maybe offer times are changing in the next contract period. Then an emergency might possible around the clock.

Green Intelligibility

Sobering result: the election programs are still incomprehensible than in the last parliamentary election four years ago. Ulm, 12 September 2013 – which has GmbH Ulm H & H communication lab together with the University of Hohenheim the intelligibility of the party programmes studied for the Bundestag election in September. Sobering result: the election programs are still incomprehensible than in the last parliamentary election four years ago. The intelligibility of the election programs of CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, Greens and left party Pirate Party is further decreased in comparison to 2009: the electoral programs only 7.7 points scored 2009 the average value was 9.0 points. Intelligibility with the Hohenheimer Verstandlichkeits index (HIX) will be evaluated. The point scale ranging from 0 (completely unintelligible) 20 (very understandable). Among other things the use of long sentences, technical terms, foreign words and compound words included in this classification. Comparison: theses on average achieve a value of 4.7. The policy posts in the Bild-Zeitung is 16.8. For these said measurements, the communication lab has developed the software TextLab, validates the text button on the basis of scientific criteria on whose intelligibility. The parties miss an opportunity for more citizens and transparency with this result,”so Dr. Anikar Haseloff, Managing Director of the communication lab. We also believe that the result also has impact on credibility: because how are the citizens of the parties believe that if they don’t even understand their election programmes? “But we have found some very striking examples: at a party, it was a tapeworm records with 71 words, at another it was a word monsters like terrorism combat law ‘.” Green, SPD, FDP and the pirates have all deteriorated in the intelligibility. While the Greens had 2009 still the easiest choice program, they had to settle now place 2. Overall the worst section the program of the pirates with 5.8 points. “Reason for very many English words and insider terms, for example, comprehensive test ban treaty or privacy-by-design”. CDU/CSU and the left party could increase the comprehensibility of their electoral programs against the trend. The program of the Union section best this year with a value of 9.9 points. The comparison with the abstracts of the choice programs shows that the parties can communicate also understandable. They achieved all a better average for the respective long versions. “” Barriers to the intelligibility are also the large number of foreign – and ones that use all parties without explanation in their texts: Subsitutionstherapie “at the party or sharing community” in the Union are just two examples. This use of jargon excludes in particular readers without political expertise and academic education of political participation. Also, the frequent use of compounds to example Federal municipal transport financing law has similar effects”with the Greens. “Also Nominalisierungen so the use of nouns rather than verbs negative affects on the intelligibility: for example environmental impact assessment” at the party. From all parties, the said researchers found too long sentences with more than 50 words that were difficult to understand a text. To find out what the parties most concerned, we also conducted an analysis of the term”, explains Oliver Haug of the communication lab. It is noticed that the term man ‘ stands of all parties in the Center. The opposition parties use strikingly often the terms must ‘and should’. Also turned out this kind of self employment particularly in the FDP noticed. is that the Pirate Party and the left party revolve very to themselves and very often even call themselves four years ago”that subject intelligibility seems to have yet no real relevance to the political parties they make sure that the gap between politicians and citizens will be greater and increasing the number of non-voters”, Dr. Anikar Haseloff added. While the parties as well as government agencies, offices or companies with simple means to provide greater clarity and transparency. TextLab, for example, is a tool that displays violations of the intelligibility with one click and proposals is how texts better and easier to understand can be formulated.”