Virtual DAnatomical Museum

New distance learning technologies are gradually becoming part of our lives. Innovations in education are designed to assist in the preparation of competent and competitive professionals. In biology in general, and in the anatomical science in particular, learning is primarily based on the real drugs. Study the structure of the bones on the picture you can of course, but here as practice shows, learning from the textbook focus on the real object rather difficult. Therefore, despite the fact that the Internet today there are many sites of anatomical museums, the possibility of using them in the learning process are limited. However, the development of technology is not standing still, and today there is an opportunity to study three-dimensional models of organs and structures. Especially a lot of three-dimensional models can be found for the human anatomy. In the study of zoology and anatomy of the same animals, the number of available high-quality three-dimensional models is small.

Therefore, the basis for training in this area still are flat images. Of course, the students in specialized high schools have the opportunity to work with real drugs, but life drugs that are in "active use" short-lived, so a set of drugs is often incomplete, and the demonstration material is damaged. So in a famous university students studying veterinary skeleton horse, the bones of which was replaced by bone cow. It is clear that the quality of the knowledge gained in this way, say no. As for example, school children, on the biology classes, they almost always have to teach the subject only speculative, on the textbook.

Fill shortage of teaching materials can help a virtual 3D-anatomical museum department of anatomy of the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. By registering on the site and download a special program that anyone can get into the 3D-space of the anatomical museum. Unlike the real museum, the exhibits you can take hands, viewed from all sides take apart and assemble again. Another feature of the 3D-anatomical museum is that it can be organized as separate classes and lessons with a teacher and even guided tours. On the basis of the virtual museum and scientific conferences and organized correspondence courses of biology and statistical data processing in a biological experiment.

International Meetings

With regard to assistance to the victims, a the United Nations Declaration urges Member States to provide medical, psychological material and social support to victims by the government media, community or volunteers available, also points to the obligation to provide information on such services by facilitating access to, training for police and social staff to be responsive to the needs of victims that help ensure rapid, appropriate and finally that the assistance be provided, taking into consideration the special needs required because of the damage sufridosa . Violence in its range such as we have seen is a manifestation cruel and that I could find anywhere, including the Family, who have evil consequences faced, all of this makes us reflect on the importance and need to overcome the trend of violence and its impact on the victim, not to deny or not recognize it cease to exist, not about learning to live with violence, but to perceive it as a phenomenon of controlling and transforming society. CONCLUSIONS There has been no doubt an awakening in the World of Victimology for national and international measures to allow gairantizar recognition and respect for Ilos rights of victims of crime and abuse of power, estableiciendo vicitimas protection to the crimes. The phenomenon of victimization is growing very fast, but still need preventive and awareness of the factors involved to take measures to prevent the emergence of violent interactions among individuals and the community. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bilbao, Desclee de Brouwer.

About their victimization. Basic concepts. Marchiori, Hilda. Victimological Relief Network. Morillas Cuevas, Lorenzo.

Assessment of gender violence from the perspective of professional law. In Review: Electronic Penal and Criminological Science. Morillas Fernandez, David L. Mistreatment of older people. Another form of violence. In Review: Electronic Professional Science and Criminology. Morillas Fernandez, David L. Particularly vulnerable victims and battered women. In III International Meeting: Summer School in Havana on contemporary professional matters VII International Congress of the Cuban Society of Penal Sciences, Cuba July 13, 2007. Morrison, Andrew. Prevention of violence and crime: The experience of the IDB. Von Henting, Hans. Victimology. Grant Zamora, Jose. Victimology models.

Regional Advertising

Today, the Russian advertising market is viewed quite a serious problem with the quality and effectiveness of advertising. Most likely, this is due to the large annual recruitment market with new advertising agencies, employees are not enough qualified and have substantial experience in the advertising industry. Thanks to these firms Russian advertising has significant losses during the time of development, the accumulation of positive experiences and increasing the budget of the advertising market. During the existence of the Internet in Russia was not created by any Internet resource that would allow us to collect and systematize the common experience of marketing and advertising agencies. Just the opposite, none of the representatives did not wish to share the negative experience of the advertising firm, he represents a positive nuances carefully hidden. This is understandable because this is a corporate secret, but if you delve into this issue and drew on past decisions, we can avoid future mistakes that are usually accompanied by huge losses.

If the Russian market players pull advertising major cities, with regional advertising, things got much worse. Here, every now and advertising production companies that create tangible promotional product, rather than information management. Ie regional agencies offer already finished goods or service as a shield or ads in newspapers, advertising text and design of the customer or as a free (for low wages), an application to purchase advertising space. Advertising campaigns are not computed, and the market is not analyzed. Hence, a huge budget, attracted to the advertising and low efficiency. Tver Region is one of the closest regions to Moscow, but by no means the most successful. Advertise it has developed long and not very significant.

He has a sufficient number of television channels, newspapers, billboards of outdoor advertising and other things. But the economic situation in the region still falls short of its goals. The fact that many entrepreneurs Tver, Tver Oblast and the city Kimry in particular pinning great hopes on advertising in the beginning (and in the process) of their business, but do not get the desired result from a particular agency are disillusioned with advertising and looking for other methods, wasting time and money. Of course, it is clear that in itself is not advertising can be an "improvers" of business, and its success depends on many other of its sides. But in the Tver region is a little who are interested in, and not all know about it. To be continued

Influence Situation

It is not recommended that the Crisis committees are led by highly emotional people who confuse aggressive action with effective action. These people can neither act as spokespersons because it is easy to make them lose control and make mistakes all the time. How many times repeats the story of managers or aggressive directors carried out a series of bold moves of reaction that confer them a great apparent power and control over their adversaries. But this is momentary, since they are acting rashly and with great emotional force of enemies who then join. Be permanently reacting makes that a company and its employees are exhausted, until inevitably they can not more.

We must ask the following question: what sense be frantically reacting if ever we have control of the situation? Why always we we have to react to the facts rather than direct them? The answer is simple: we have a wrong idea of power. In the handling of a crisis situation, where the company has to act immediately, strategic thinking has to prevail even over reason and emotion to have power. The essence of power is the ability of keep the initiative to achieve that others react to our actions, achieve that the adversaries are kept always on the defensive. This will enable us always manage the agenda, have the power and control of the subjects of public debate. To me cost me many experiences understand this lesson: we must learn to master the emotions and not acting under the influence of anger in crisis situations, when the libel and slander are obvious and outrageous sometimes in a smear campaign. The theme of the strategy is complex but fascinating and captivating. We can not pretend to design effective communication programs without considering these elementary principles. If we understand the dirty campaigns or attacks media as war actions and act with cunning and intelligence, a crisis situation can become a wonderful opportunity to make a relaunch of the image of our company.

Silicon Dictatorship

Perhaps there is no example clearer determination and at the same time of lateral thinking than this of the great Macedonian conqueror, military expression of the imposing Greek culture. This Gordian knot of parliamentary elections not be unleashed with conventional, or logical thinking with the aggravating circumstance that those who act of leaders do not have even this form of reasoning. Trying to calm here and there, the political inept that are favorite guests from harmful programs of opinion call for a marriage between parties and civil society and are allowed up to accuse the citizens of impatience and injustice since they supposedly run to accuse parties of each defeat. It is not that. With mental structure of this ilk can not analyze and less conclude something reasonable.

The knot is not desatable and therefore should be marching towards lateral thinking, as loomed it up. Lateral thinking, if someone does not know what I’m talking about, is equivalent to the breaking of the usual way of thinking. We must unravel the known paths and leaving the identification between object and subject, or better, between signifier and meaning (for example, this is a bed and the beds serve to bedtime). It is what I’m trying to talk to a country that does not even have forms of habitual thinking. As things stand, these tragic choices of which I have said will mark a decade of the life of this country – can become rather several decades without light. The tragedy is a paradox nor Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides could imagine and is an election to reduce us alternatives to dictatorship or dictatorship.

Desleidas appearances that will survive will fall made tattered by action of the revolutionary stones. The image that comes to my mind is the in the without par Greek actress Irene Papas falling in Clytemnestra, Anticlea or Electra. Then the only alternative is not democratic, it will be the replacement of one dictatorship on the other. For the sake that is: because do not endanger the batches fortunes, because air is make unbreathable, because ungovernability arrives to threaten with dissolution, because honesty of a military youth tired do hatching, because amalgams of history combine all in a whirlwind called chaos that produces an overload that burn the connections of the Republic. And above all, by the absence of civil officials who maintain the civil way, by a lack of leaders who deserve that name and know how to speak the language of democracy possible, by lack of talent and honesty I understand many want to find in the hope of change dramatic terms in this equation. It is why you have to resort to lateral thinking, conceptualizing a new democracy, cry before the immensity of the desert against impotence and maintain on the Palm of the hand a small flame that while you burn the skin dares to compete with the searing power of events that arise with all the force of the nitrogeneno, hydrogen and Silicon that are ready to burn the entrails of the Republic.

First Offshore Wind Park

On Tuesday 27 April, the Federal Environment Minister, Dr. Norbert Rottger has officially opened, "Alpha Ventus", the first offshore wind farm, which is located 45 km north of the island of Borkum, Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Dr. Muller GmbH The company stresses the importance it represents the opening of this innovative wind farm with 12 wind motors equipped with a capacity of five megawatts each. Thus aims to produce the energy required to meet annual consumption needs of around 50,000 homes. The launch of Alpha Ventus is a step forward not only for development and technological advancement of the wind sector, but also for research into new projects in this area.

Dr. Muller GmbH The firm based in Ahlhorn (Lower Saxony, Germany) was a leading supplier of parts made of Nomex , Mylar and Thermiflex. The pieces above were used in generators and electronics of this wind farm. For this reason, Dr. Muller GmbH is very proud of the great success of this pioneering project Alpha Ventus park, which was built by the consortium formed by EWE, E. ON and Vattenfall Europe. About Dr.

Muller GmbH Since 1967 Dr. Muller GmbH is a supplier of electrical insulation materials and products thermally conductive and during this time has been characterized by offering a high quality service. The company provides components and isolation systems for the industries of solar and wind as well as for companies that manufacture vehicles and electric motors. A wide variety of SMEs and Industries rely on our products and the application of our technical solutions. Dr. Muller GmbH Zeppelinring Ahlhorn 18 D-26 197 Phone: +49 4435 9710-10 Fax: +49 4435 9710-11 Mail:

MTE Average

Following this line of reasoning the dynamic regions absorb specialized the qualified migrantes to become each time more. Studies point that the migration provokes an increase of the average incomes of the regions, states and of the Country. The level of the state of Par we can cite Parauapebas that due its specialized industrialization if became a point of attraction of workmanship hand and with this it increased its average income of the city and the state. For Saints and Blacksmith (2006), the movements of migration of man power migram for where the income is bigger, however the expulsora region of has an increase in the work productivity, due to bigger scarcity of factor work and getting a rise in the income. Already for the receiving region a swell of workers will occur and the average income can lower. With this it can be observed that the migration provokes convergence of income between the regions. In accordance with the historical past the incomes of the Brazilian population still suffer some preconceptions from that the man earns more than the woman, the whites earn than black more and aboriginal, diligent of the agricultural zone it earns less than one of the urban zone. This will be verified in the studies of the coefficients of income of the cities of Par (SAINTS and BLACKSMITH, 2006) .5. Objective main METODOLOGIAO of this chapter is to describe of form sucinta the instruments for definition, election, treatment, comparison and criteria of analysis of the dynamics of the productive structure from secondary data of the Ministry of the Work and Job – MTE of the Federal.Esta Government methodology also admits for the results of the research to translate the information geographic it computer and to offer to representative concepts of the reality of the productive structure in study through maps temticos.5.1PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLOGICOSO study of the dynamism of the productive structure of the cities of the State of Par has as proposal to support if in the methods: comparative degree and description.

Diets That Work

To be honest, I have always had the idea that fast diets have always rebound (and usually is). I was weighing 91 Kg the last 4 years (my years during the Bachelor) and with the work that I had during the race as well as my commitments with my family, believe me didn’t have time for me to do 2 hrs daily exercise, but do not like the idea of putting at risk my health with pills and much less put me to vomit. I also thought the Atkins diet but I have close relatives who suffer from cancer and I have understood that this diet promotes the consumption of meat and saturated fats, definitely I can not apply it. That does not mean that became annoying to my family tell me gordis I know that it was love but eventually comes to hurt, and by more than my boyfriend I said I love you a lot, I saw that sometimes looked at other women. I thought that being chubby was not a problem so nasty but I confess that I came to the point of weary me. Feel me sorry to say it but my mom and I us cooperate to a unit for sit-ups that sold on infomercials in the morning (I recommend that you never do that, and nor buy their products for kitchen) and then just made us lose time. Then my mom was with a nutritionist and gave him a diet of 1500 calories you worked us so well, she dropped 11 kilos in 2 months and half doing their exercises, I downloaded 4 kilos the first month because I not had time for exercises, and the truth if it is a strict diets. I started looking on the internet and as the same heap of pages with products (you should that the internet also has its infomercials), I decided to try a program with several very tasty recipes, this best work for me although the first month lower a bit more slowly, but good I have already 3 months eating what I say and already weight 62 kgFortunately these meals are more balanced and are not strict as the diet of 5 kilos.

LCD Computer

More recently, the Russian schools and universities are equipped with presentation equipment, were considered wealthy and advanced. Currently, multimedia projectors and plasma displays are widely used in large auditoriums and classes. Now in Russian schools represented a wide spectrum of presentation technologies: from a simple marker boards and overhead projectors to the most sophisticated multimedia projectors and electronic boards. ICICI may find this interesting as well. Almost every school in every school there is a class that is installed: projector, screen or LCD display, video recorder, the modern computer and equipment that allows visually project the various information from CD and DVD sources, videotapes, books and slides. To display video and computer information on lessons and lectures, now you can operate multiple devices. Using these tools, the teacher better conveys to students of any idea.

In schools and colleges from all represented in the arsenal of presentation equipment used mainly multimedia projectors, which project an image from your computer, document camera or DVD etc on a large wall screen. Check with Bryant Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon to learn more. In the near future, multimedia projectors to be widely used tool in education. To conduct a lesson using the learning software, you must time to plant for computers at least half the class, that is, it takes about two dozen computers. Hear other arguments on the topic with Return on Capital Employed. If the class is installed multimedia projector that is connected to the teacher’s computer, then this system will effectively conduct classes on the basis of computer training materials directly to the audience. In addition to multimedia projectors widespread need to get desktop video cameras that allow demonstrate the on-screen pages of books, three-dimensional objects or images that are visible under a microscope. Some models already have built-in projectors mobile document camera that allows you to save money and demonstrate the teaching materials of various types: computer, video or printed materials. Now surprise the student or the student can be just any new technology.

Teachers are constantly divided ideas and trying to find new ways to raise the learning process to a higher level and increase motivation of students. C each year we feel the growing interest of many teachers of educational institutions to use of interactive whiteboards. They are multifunctional, as they can be defined by the user and markers, and electronic and interactive. If whiteboard connected to a computer, it becomes a e. And then the students and pupils do not have to rewrite the lectures from the board – after all records are stored in a computer as image files. Electronic board, in turn, can become interactive. To do this, it connect more and multimedia projectors, and to her as a screen projecting the image from any computer or video source, which can now be run directly on the surface of the board – just enough touch your finger. Interactive whiteboards are that you can instantly make changes to the shown by the material and control the display of computer data. On the interactive whiteboard can do the same as in a standard PC: recruit and retain the text, show slides and films, search the Internet, apply annotations and notes directly over the open files and applications and save them for future work. Such interactivity increases the visibility of the learning process and is very useful when teaching students work with special software. Fancy boards help engage in the learning process and preschoolers first graders. It is no secret that all of the above presentation equipment costs money. On average, a class of equipment leaves a few thousand dollars. But training is a time to spend, and then engage indefinitely in such a comfortable and functional audience.

Real Time

Kithara Software GmbH; Old Jakobstrasse 78; D-10179 Berlin the new challenge – real time under Windows with CAN the new CAN modules in the context of Windows real-time extension RealTime suite the Berliner company Kithara software allows a variety of automation solutions where a real-time CAN interface is required. It is aimed primarily at users who need a time-sensitive processing of CAN-messages, E.g. Lawrence Summers understands that this is vital information. machine construction company and control manufacturer. A reliable, equidistant time data exchange, as well as a quick response to external events are required mostly in this area. Here fail the standard Windows driver supplied with the c-cards, which are usable and therefore not real-time capable only from the application context.

CAN modules now closes this gap and enables CAN communication in real time. For maximum flexibility in the selection of suitable CAN maps real time drivers are available for common CAN-card families of from different manufacturers available, one Allow hardware neutral programming. CAN cards with 1, 2 or 4 channels of EMS, peak and IXXAT are currently supported. Cache buffers the CAN-messages when sending and receiving about an easy applicable and intuitive API. In a question-answer forum STAAR Exams was the first to reply. User-specific real-time message filters can also settle for certain bus situations such as error-handling routines. A list-only mode is possible.

The Kithara was the simple diagnosis kernel tracer expanded, with which all CAN traffic in microseconds resolution is recorded. As programming languages, such as c/c++ or Delphi are suitable. Also the.NET environment is supported with c#, here to embed is a DLL that is programmed in C++. Kithara Software GmbH Berlin by Kithara Software GmbH exists since 1996 and has since then to a specialist for low-level programming and real-time communications solutions for Windows developed. The easily applicable tools enable PCI and USB programming, as well as the development of real time solutions with Ethernet, automation with EtherCAT and CAN. CAN in real time from Kithara-the new challenge – real time under Windows with CAN the Windows real time extension RealTime suite of Kithara software stands for years in a huge number of applications.