Psychoanalysis also descasa about the figure, but in the sense of the encrypted message. It exploits the ambiguity of the word. In this sense is at the opposite pole of cognitivism, this is unbearable. You have also pointed out that this ideology of the figure is on track to impose on the University evaluation made his entry into the University 20 years ago, but there is a quantum leap with the Agency for the evaluation of research and higher education (AERES). It is very recent: was created by the Act of 18 April 2006 and installed on March 21.
Since 1985, assessment agencies have multiplied, but academics and researchers were represented in their addresses, and had learned to live with it. It’s over. Everything has disappeared for the benefit of a single agency, independent administrative authority that covers the national territory. It acts under the authority of a quite rare Board, the Ministry appoints members by Decree. No elected member. Similarly, the national, responsible for each discipline, delegate not emanates, in any way, the community of researchers, is appointed by the President of the Agency. The system was conceived by Pr Jean-Marc Monteil, eminent social psychologist ognitivista. It is responsible for the Mission of the Cabinet of the Prime Minister, while the Agency is chaired by Pr Jean Francois Dhainaut, specialist in biotechnology.
National delegate for Psychology: Pr Michel Fayol, successor of Pr Monteil at the University of Clermont-Ferand, the only one of that size where clinical psychology is rigorously gagged from years ago. PR. Monteil told me without laughter that was because of his notorious incompetence in the matter. Aeres is a bureaucratic monster hipercentralizado and particularly opaque: nothing to do with America. It rather resembles the defunct Soviet Union. What is the objective? Do expel the psychoanalysis of the University? The aim is to make profitable research. The result will be very different.