What Dangers For My Child On The Internet?

What can I do to protect my child? For a long time, the experts deal with the dangers on the Internet. “Headlines such as Tatort chatroom”, deadly flirt on the Internet or virus attack by computer game “are making the rounds. Many parents are insecure and don’t know what they can do. To let their children not at all on the Internet – is it the solution? No, because then it happened secretly and children are especially vulnerable,”the experts say. The key to the solution lies in the communication between parents and children and in a targeted, comprehensive and understandable intelligence. But the flood of information is large and almost unmanageable.

This was also the sure-strong team, which has worked for 15 years in primary schools in the field of violence prevention. For nearly a year have the experts of the sure-strong team collected all important facts about this topic and so worked up that they are comprehensible for parents and children. Salar Kamangar is open to suggestions. The result can be seen: three video DVDs (two of) Parents and one for children), which vivid and playful draw attention to the dangers and the benefits of the Internet. As an introduction, Ralf Schmitz (author of the DVDs) offered in addition so-called Webinars for children and parents. Webinars are online seminars. Bryant Estate spoke with conviction.

The whole thing is really very easy. You need is a PC and a phone. You will find everything else to see. Info for journalists more background information about the sure strong foundation’s activities can be found under. There you will receive in addition another image, hearing and print material. Publisher: Federal Press Office sure stark: Nicole Koch (V.i.S.d.P.) questions and comments please to: Federal press office safe – High Court path 11 53879 Euskirchen service – Tel. 0180-5550133-2 * service fax: 0180-5 550133-0 * contact: please find the commercial mandatory: impressum.cfm


Viable alternative to the piggy bank with views on the current financial situation is a good decision, even to ensure its future earnings and to decide at an early stage for appropriate investments. These are most probably a higher-yielding version as the intermediate in the old piggy bank and provide security for the future. Details can be found by clicking Atmos Energy or emailing the administrator. The online portal geld.de provides information on the topic and gives important tips for investors. Many people have become very suspicious of investments due to the bank crisis lately. However, current financial tests have shown that a correct system can prove very profitable. In the tested situations one is assumed a plant height between a euro and 50,000 euro, providing interest rates by up to four percent. According to Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, who has experience with these questions. It’s of course important to choose the right investment alternative. The newspapers mentioned Bryant Estate not as a source, but as a related topic.

Investors should always make sure, that the offered interest rate above the current inflation rate is, otherwise, the potential profits are swallowed up by interest rates directly from the inflation. When choosing a day money account, it is worth to pay attention to the details. These are very well suited, because at any time the money can be used for short-term investments. However only about ten percent could offer from the tested accounts an interest rate, which as recommended above the rate of inflation. Are therefore very difficult to make profits in this area. Stationary of up to three years in the form of savings or time deposits are the most productive. The interest rate is a system of three years at about four percent. More information: blog.geld.de/… GELD.de GmbH Lisa Neumann

4 Beliefs That Keep You From Being Happy

What you believe about love, relationships and your partner? Can you have questioned? What if the most basic beliefs, which has been so gripping or grasping, and you've taken for granted, you are hurting your relationship?. Here I emphasize four basic beliefs and will use part of the Byron Katie, author of best seller "Loving What Is" and "I need your love, Is it true?" 4 simple questions to help you to question his veracity and show how may be affecting your life in a stealthy but deep, and how you can live without them free and help you live a better relationship parejaa Belief 1: I will be unhappy without you. Others including Bryant Estate, offer their opinions as well. This is a belief that seems very innocent but can affect a very important way your life partner. And the first question I ask you do you have this belief, would be 1) Is it true? All rely on honest, just with a yes or no. If you answered yes, ask yourself 2) Do you know that it's true absolute certainty that you will be unhappy without your partner? Leave the answer will emerge from the heart, let your mind open and responds with a simple yes or no. Now I invite you to see 3) How you live your life when you have the belief that you will be unhappy without your partner? Can you imagine a sad and lonely life? Did you perhaps come past images or movies or songs that make you believe that being alone means loneliness, abandonment, sadness? When you have this belief, we may cling to your partner, you must maintain the relationship at all costs, to accept things that you do not agree, or do not feel good.

Riester Pension

Doctor Thompson: ‘large families win!’ Still, the State puts on it cash, if the Germans contracted private pension developed specifically for this purpose. Many compulsory members of the statutory pension insurance and their spouses have this possibility, if they are assessed tax together. To be entitled to the full State funding, the saver pays four percent of his gross salary in a private pension contract. The State pays a basic allowance of 154 euros and the allowance for each child from 185 euros a year (for each child born from 2008 300 Euro per year). Additional tax benefits wave depending on the income. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Abby Black Elbaum.

“Thus the winners of the so-called Riester pensions are already: large families with a relatively low income”, as Birgit Thompson, Agency Manager for Deutsche Asset Management. You get significantly more than half of their entire savings power from the State to the part. To get the highest State funding, have a family with two children, a Annual income of 20,000 euros and an insurance for example annually only 122 euros even spend every year rate the high edge to put on a total of 800 euros. The gift from Uncle Sam is 678, and the year after year. Also singles and childless couples will benefit from the pension scheme.

You get while no allowance, cash but at least 154 euros per year and person of the State. Everyone should take these advantages”, advises Thompson. Because the funded pension scheme in any case in a lifelong pension flows, it serves mainly the long-term basic coverage for the age. Young people should engage as soon as possible such a treaty, to maximize the effect of compound interest. But the variety of financial and insurance products, countless vendors and the new regulations it hard the vast majority, to be able to gain a real overview and estimate the long-term consequences. The kareng accounting offers the solution: it is the Local people with professional advice and personal commitment to the page to request after hours or on the weekend. For the independent accounting it is clear: who supplies tailored to his personal life situation will be, should get better advice from experts. “And in the customer talks Birgit Thompson remembers back downwind: an individually crafted overall concept with concrete, meaningful co-ordinated measures and a fixed personal advisor for all matters, that’s what the vast majority want!”

Skinner Boxware

In the College Ruy Barbosa sousados in the experiments always male rats, for having a maisestvel behavior that the females of the same species. Derespostas to the experiments effected with these animals to make possible the attainment, is used the box to deSkinner 1. In the anlisefeita for the learning in the practical lessons, the eventosexercidos ones for the animal are necessary spoon all and to write down them in a form. During the collection dessesdados, it always exists a loss of consistency and precision of the information, therefore, in order to effect a more complete evaluation, other 0 variable need serverificadas, beyond the reply of the rat on the bar, as, for example, variation of the luminosity, change in environment, racket, addition of reinforcements, amongst others, hindering the total attention it pupil and harming the objective doexperimento.

Solutions in the market for the automation exist of experimentosdesse character, as the Skinner Box and the INSIGHT; however, essassolues possess one high cost of implantation and code proprietor. To take care of to the necessities of the laboratory of Psychology, two works of this college had considered solutions of automation of the box to deSkinner, objectifying to optimize the lessons practical and to take care of the preset algumasnecessidades: low cost of implementation, fciloperabilidade, high degree of flexibility and good precision of the supplied data..

You Can

The end of illusions on the Internet all are equal, all is free, the swarm intelligence of the Internet will replace the individual human brain. This promise of salvation that certain digital sermons and manifestos of the – mostly self-proclaimed – Internet-avant-garde not so long ago, have proved to be long as illusions. Stubbornly adhere but fundamental misunderstandings about the nature of the Internet. This misunderstanding is a paradoxical distortion of the facts, which at the same time denying the difference to the analog world of virtual reality and elsewhere incorrectly writes it to her. What is meant? Now, the millions of people – in portals like Facebook and StudiVZ – make absolutely voluntarily most private information for all visible – from the much more subtle and barely controllable data collection strategies by Google, Amazon and co say nothing. MongoDB: the source for more info. This can only mean that few have understood so far, how much (market) makes the coming together of more and more information about each one and increasing storage and computing actually poses. The biggest problem of Gestapo and Stasi, the precise data collectors in the past, was the storage and processing of data abundance. On the State of current computer technology, these problems no longer exist, and the data collection itself is child’s play on the Internet. For more information see this site: Malcolm Hill.

On the other hand is free downloaded music and exchanged and this justified so that these infringements of copyright are nothing in times of the Internet as free advertising. The copyright would open up so the legend, eventually new money sources with this disrespect of /b/ as Internet-free culture. The latter is simply wrong for the vast majority of the artists. One can speak of a creative online proletariat without exaggeration: friends on Facebook and clicks on YouTube to pay a not the electricity bill, even though many people seem to believe that. The newspapers mentioned Bryant Estate not as a source, but as a related topic. Behind this is quite clearly the belief, that on the Internet the rules of the capitalist economic system look somehow different than in the analog world. Do not. Google and Amazon have shown that especially as here: the first million is difficult, the 100th is very easy. Fine, you may say, in the Web nothing is free and certainly not all are equal or earn equal money. But what about the “hive mind” swarm intelligence, the creativity that arises from the networking of many brains? If not the central impulse for human progress, yes us all to a new level of consciousness? Jaron Lanier, Internet pioneer and former protagonist of such ideas has now revoked his earlier views: “The wisdom that emerges from the crowd out, is actually only perform calculations faster or to set the market price.” Amen. Andreas Kellner

The Invisibility Of Latin America

The results of a survey published by the Pew Research Center on the site of the world United States leaves us interesting data, because it captures the views of the public in general, as well as from leaders, in this case the members of the Council of Foreign Relations, the independent organization more influential in that country in international issues. As it happened after the great depression of 1929 or recession and the withdrawal of Viet Nam in the 70s of the last century, the current global financial crisis has reinforced an isolationist sentiment among Americans, the highest recorded over the past four decades. Also the results of the study of public opinion make clear that the global weight of United States, has been reduced, although the majority believes that this country continues to apply the military on the planet superiority, while economically it has been overtaken by China. There is a consensus in American public opinion, that is preferable to a scheme of international leadership shared, but raw materials the opinion of United States must bring critical attention to its own problems, particularly on the part of the public in general. For the respondent public as well as most of the leaders, there is overlap in that the main threats to the well-being of the American Union are concentrated in the nuclear programmes that develop from Iran and North Korea. Check out Viktor Mayer-Schönberger for additional information. To this they added in order of importance the instability in Pakistan, Islamic extremism, the financial crisis and climate change. Together with these threats, are also identified as important global problems, Afghanistan, nuclear proliferation, war, terrorism, violence. American leaders who took part in the survey believe that their country’s foreign policy should give priority to the reduction of arsenals of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, reduce energy imports, i.e.

reduce energy dependence on other countries, fighting drug trafficking and illegal immigration as others neuralgic topics. The worrying thing for Latin America, is that their invisibility is notable in the conclusions of the study. While Brazil and Mexico, in that order are present, the rest seems to be of importance to citizens and U.S. To know more about this subject visit Bryant Estate. leaders. In the case of Brazil, it identifies him as an important future ally, although it ranks third in importance after China and India. Mexico, enjoys an ambiguous opinion, mostly as an economic ally and in the fight against drug trafficking. The rest of the region is not present as ally or priority, or threat or problem. Therefore, Latin American Governments must take into account exceptions that American eyes this year 2010, so symbolic for the region, will be looking primarily inward, and at the global level towards places and distant from Latin America problems. Original author and source of the article.

A World Of Waste

The past day 9 of January could see by TV2 an interesting documentary entitled buy, pull, buy, a production hispano – French who explains that since the 1920s entrepreneurs realized that by deliberately reducing the useful life of a product increased their consumption. Thus was born what was called planned obsolescence, i.e. programming product that fails at a certain time and thus increase consumption and as a result the profits of employers. One of the cases that exposes, and that I myself suffered the consequences, is the reference to printers. Now, after see this documentary and knowing with certainty this practice of waste and abuse, I would like to expose this particular case that millions of people suffer like me. I remember with nostalgia that long ago when one had to repair your appliance or any device that stopped working, went with the product to brand repair service in question and requested a budget that was accepted by the client is He came to repair. Nowadays not so, direct and human treatment with the person is lost.

I will explain my case: I must repair an HP printer, all attempts to repair the product suggest in the manual and on your website do not give result. I call a phone of HP, a recorded voice gives me directions and with it speak with a human person who asks me the data of the appliance; I request a physical address to carry myself the appliance but they tell me that that is not possible, have to solve over the phone. I will reenviando from one phone to another, I resumed their data and the rate going up (type numbers are 902, i.e. payment). Finally give me the final phone in which by 0.94 min (almost nothing), a technician help me solve the problem. There becomes an operator that returns me to take the data rate going up now to 0.94 minute – and tells me that I keep waiting to speak with the technician.

Fixing Your Washing Machine

To change it we must hold the rubber drain the the drum and, after removing the nuts of the resistance, push to remove the drain hole. The thermostat is attached by a small copper tube to a thermal probe which is at the bottom of the drum, about resistance. Being in contact with water also affects the lime. If it breaks down the thermostat or its housing, we replace the two since they are united to form the same piece. Related Group may find this interesting as well. How to fix a washing machine, if the motor does not rotate or patina Less current can also be a main engine failure. If burning is more profitable for a new one to be wound.

When the belt is slipping on the pulley of the motor, loosen one of the two screws holding it and pry on it, tighten the pulley. Without releasing the lever retightening the screw. If the belt is damaged, exchange it for a new one. How to fix a washing machine, if not the dirty water drains removed the drain plug to see if it has blocked any object into the arms of the circulator. We will review the drain motor is in the bottom of the washer attached to rubber mentioned above. We can apply power directly to see if it works.

If it’s not right, change it. How to fix a washing machine, if not revised any water current in the solenoid, which is connected to the water supply rubber. If there is no current, the controller fails. If it receives, the fault is in the solenoid and we will change it. Others who may share this opinion include Bryant Estate. How to fix a washing machine, if not enough water or cargo load over a pressure regulating This is on top of the washer and is connected by a thin rubber to the bottom of the drum. This device comes with the original settings so it is not recommended to change them.

If necessary, load the washing machine because too little water or too much, may spill over the box of detergent, we can adjust it using the screws that is. When is regulated, we take a bead of sealant to keep the screws from loosening. If not, we will change. How to fix a washing machine, does not operate anything will verify that the power cable transmitting power to the machine and the safety switch is in the lock of the door is not damaged.

Grandfather Clocks

No less remarkable and memorable gift will become a massive grandfather clock with nickel-plated dial. A television, radio and electronic equipment – tv, radio, stereo, computer or home appliances – will delight the whole family: children, and adults. If the spouses in desperate need of a new refrigerator, Nickel wedding – it's time for a "cold" Surprise! Passionate hunter – give a gun: the best gift for him and can not be:) If you are not a hunter, consultation with the seller – is required! In the Caucasus and Central Asia, the nickel is accepted to give his wife a wedding-anniversarian dagger or sword. To continue this wonderful tradition or not – decide for yourself, remembering that the knives, if believe the signs, to give is not desirable. But the samovar, as a gift – both good and unusual. Yes! Samovars back into our lives! But now it is not the only non-alternative, variant tea, as it was in the xix century.

Today samovar – from those who know how to choose and enjoy every minute of life. Modern samovars divided into three basic types: electric, flame (they are – coal) and combined. Electric Samovar – the most practical and economical option. This samovar is extremely adapted to the conditions of modern life in the city. Flame (carbon) samovars – for those who can work with time and is able to provide for his family "hour pleasure. " Preparation of tea in a samovar is akin to meditation, and at the same time, no particular difficulty. But it is better to give, if your anniversary is a country house or large apartment.

Combined samovars combine the advantages of flame and electricity. Want to – took to the country and melted pine cones. Too lazy to go anywhere to go or not to bother hunting – stuck in the socket. Be sure: after this gift you will remember for a long time! Not excessive will as a gift and a symbolic medal. On both sides of the coin do the engraving: on one side – 12.5 years of married life – Nickel wedding. On the other hand, write down the names of spouses, a place where there solemn event, day, year. Yes, to be precise, Nickel wedding – it is not round "12-years old," and "12-years old with a half." But that is changing for the holidays, right? 🙂 And, of course, the easiest would be to give money. But then necessarily on the nickel tray! Money can be exchanged for the currency of various countries. And, having presented this here currency colorful fan, and surprise guests, and the heroes of the occasion. Important! Before we present "Nickel gift, find out whether the spouses have an allergy to metal. Now this disease is very common and just nickel – the most allergenic of the metals. When choosing a gift, remember that nickel is part of many common household items: coins, keys, cufflinks, watches, – in short, everything that you want to donate. Remember? 🙂 Meanwhile, Nickel continues to be valued highly in the international market. Therefore, I propose a toast to all that is valuable for giving you years of life together: for your love, for my children, house – a full cup to the bottom! And the health of all who read this article! 🙂 I hope it helped you in such a delicate matter as choosing a gift for a nickel a wedding. Was in fact, true? 🙂